Friday, September 17, 2021

Tips to pronounce well in English

Listen a lot

Before you learn to speak, you have to learn to listen. The key listening is to improve pronunciation, since at the end of the day what we want is to imitate a way of speaking.

Language is acquired through exposure to sounds. Children learn words that they "hear" in their environment and that their brain processes and learns to interpret. Later language development is not the only thing that depends on the child's ability to hear. Listening skills also influence the ability to read and write and the development of our social skills. Language is a skill and is trained by hearing.

At first, it may be difficult to distinguish some sounds). Can you tell the difference between sleep ( sleep ) or slip ( slip )? If you can tell the difference by listening, you can show it by speaking. You will do it with practice.

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Watch movies or series in English

Desk, chalk, and blackboard? Nothing of that! We recommend a sofa, a bowl of popcorn and remote control. You are worth both the big screen and the small one. A plurality of accents, vocabulary, and everyday expressions ... Did you know that the voice of an actor determines more than 70% of the credibility of a scene? When listening to its English in its original version, you will appreciate nuances of an unsuspected quality that you have never appreciated.

The habit of watching series or movies in English, thus listening to a lot of English, will improve your pronunciation, as it gets you used to the speed and intonation of English-speaking speech. One of the tricks to improve your pronunciation in English is to imitate the diction of your favorite actors; their gestures and sounds.

Like many things in life, learning English through movies or series can be a good idea if you do it well and a disaster if you do it poorly. Here you have a complete guide with 10 points to keep in mind if you want to learn English with movies or series.

Concept of series for learning English

As at first, we do not understand the natives well, we have the feeling that they speak very fast and that is why when we try to speak like them we do it faster than normal. When we speak faster than we should, we have less time to think about what we are going to say or how we are going to say it, the pronunciation. And the face they put on us doesn't help at all. This vicious cycle must be stopped.

As Spanish is spoken very fast if we chat with someone who speaks slowly we think that it is difficult for them to speak or something. But in English it is the opposite, think of Downton Abbey, educated, cultured and upper-class people speak slowly. Without pause but without haste.

Therefore, a valuable reminder for you, being fluent in a language is not having the ability to speak it quickly, but to be able to articulate words and phrases correctly and naturally.

The Accent Reduction method

Accent Reduction is a method that seeks to help us neutralize our accent "natural" to approach closer to that of native English pronunciation.

Specifically, this technique is based on modifying 2 fundamental aspects:

The way we use our facial muscles and the position of the tongue (especially when pronouncing certain phonemes that do not exist in Spanish or are pronounced in a different way).

The intonation (the British or Americans have a totally different intonation than ours and differences between them too).

Among the most frequent difficulties when it comes to pronunciation in English for a Spanish speaker, is the difference in the sound of the vowels.

Specifically, in Spanish, there are 5 vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) that each correspond to a grapheme and are always the same. In English, on the other hand, there are more than 20 in standard pronunciation and it varies depending on the region.

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