Friday, November 4, 2022

How to grow or gain visibility on Instagram

Instagram has become a key piece in the digital strategy and social presence of many brands, increasing their conversions, giving them visibility, and building a loyal and engaged audience and network of followers.

It is important that our account grows in order to reach as many potential customers as possible. The greater our reach, the greater the opportunities we can generate.

If your presence on this social network is not good enough as you would like, it is time to start working on it. So if you are wondering how to grow and how to increase visibility on Instagram naturally, you are in the right place.

There are many methods for your account to gain strength and greater relevance over time. So, whether you are looking for a way to gain visibility on Instagram after a long time managing the account, or if you are wondering how to grow on Instagram from scratch, this is your article. Without further ado, here we go!

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How does the Instagram algorithm work?

How to grow on Instagram in 2022? 23 practical tips

How does the Instagram algorithm work?

Before going to review the different actions that we can apply to boost our account, I would like us to review how the new Instagram algorithm works since it will influence the organic visibility that we achieve. To know how to have more reach on Instagram, we first need to understand what the platform is based on to prioritize one account or another.

Instagram displays your posts based on the supposed interest they generate. For that reason, commitment and consistency are more important than ever. Creating interesting and valuable content has become a basic and essential premise to increase visibility on Instagram.

So how does the new Instagram algorithm work? The academic definition tells us that an algorithm is software logic designed to solve problems. In the case of Instagram, its algorithm responds to the needs of users, showing them what they want to see.

Specifically, it uses the following three factors to carry out its function:

Interest or engagement: based on user interactions. Instagram predicts which posts they want to see, based on previous behaviors in similar content (own or external). For example, engaged users with profiles similar to yours will be able to see your account in the “Explore” section.

Relationship or relevance: evaluate the users who interact the most with your publications and vice versa, prioritizing these profiles when displaying your content. That is, if you regularly interact with other users, there will be more chances that their posts will appear in the future.

Post Time: Recent posts are given higher priority than older ones. Therefore, the freshest content will always appear on top, above.

In addition, there are other factors to take into account. Instagram also revealed the following considerations:

Frequency of use: People who use the app regularly will see more content than those who use it occasionally. That is, if users spend little time on Instagram, it decreases the chance that your posts will be displayed.

Number of followers: Profiles that follow many accounts will see less content per account. Put another way, people who follow fewer accounts will be able to see more posts per profile.

Time per session: Users who spend more time in the app will be able to see more content. They will see a lot more recent posts since their feed will be updated more regularly.

How to grow on Instagram in 2022? 23 practical tips

As I told you at the beginning of the article, Instagram is a platform with a lot of potentials to increase the reach of your brand and reach potential consumers.

Given this, I present to you the 23 tips to grow on Instagram and improve visibility, I hope they help you!

1. Take care of the quality of your images or videos

Instagram is a 100% visual social network; the video and especially the image have an important weight in it.

The reputation of your personal or business brand is at stake depending on the quality of the image you upload.

Nowadays it is not necessary to buy a professional camera to upload a good image. Depending on the type of smartphone you have, you can get very good results.

In case you do not have a good camera on your mobile, you can always go to image editing programs to correct those image imperfections.

A very important tip is to know the size and measurements of social networks, in this case, Instagram, so that the result is optimal.

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2. Focus on a theme

If you want your brand on Instagram (whether personal or company) to be recognized, it is important that you do not diversify the publications. Focus on a specific niche market so that your brand is remembered for a particular specialization.

For example: if you are dedicated to the world of fashion on a professional or personal level, it is better that you focus on it to attract a public quality that really follows you for what you do and teach.

If you diversify your publications into several topics, it will cost you more to grow, since the user will not be clear about what you really do.

Finally, a factor to take into account, apart from your publications, is to let the user know what topics are going to be discussed in your account through the biography.

3. Advertise on Instagram

Let's not forget that social networks live on advertising. In a natural way, you can grow little by little. But if your desire is to increase that rate of growth, advertising is your ally.

If you are in the process of brand recognition, advertising on Instagram strategically will help you give that boost you want so much.

It is true that for this advice you need a professional, and it is already an expense in your pocket, but it is really being an investment since it is in favor of your company.

Even so, if you currently cannot afford to hire an expert, you always have the opportunity to take free courses to advertise on Instagram.

4. Create quality stories that add value

More and more users are spending their time on Instagram Stories, instead of browsing the feed. This channel is very fresh and spontaneous, which is a great opportunity to get noticed and appear at the top of the news.

So if your posts don't reach the desired audience and you want to gain visibility on Instagram, we recommend you reinforce your brand through Stories.

But it doesn't work to upload anything. I have to confess: before I only uploaded photos of food dishes to my stories, until one day I asked myself " Do these photos really add value to my community? ".

It is true that stories, or stories (whatever you want to call them), only last 24 hours, but if in that time you publish content of little value, your brand can be harmed. It could be the case that some of your followers mute your stories if they don't find them relevant, or even unfollow you.

example-stories-how-to-grow-on-Instagram example-2-stories-how-to-grow-on-Instagram in my opinion, stories are another means of communication, apart from the Instagram feed, with a tremendous capacity for interaction with your community.

Another point in favor of stories is that you can save them in highlights, which makes them visible forever and not lost once 24 hours have passed.

5. Use relevant hashtags

Using relevant hashtags increases the chances of visibility of your publication since they will be impacting users from a larger audience that you would not reach directly, which will contribute to being discovered by potential followers.

The key to using hashtags optimally is to be very selective about which hashtags to use, and how many to use in each post. On the one hand, limit the number of hashtags you use and, don't go as far as the 30 hashtags that Instagram allows, an average of 5 to 11 hashtags is fine to gain visibility. On the other hand, to make correct and effective use of this technique, avoid those hashtags that are very popular. For example, if you put the hashtag #Nike, you will be wasting your time, since it is a highly demanded hashtag and your publication will be devoured by other accounts that are stronger and use the same hashtag.

To avoid this I recommend using other alternatives that describe your publication and that are of interest to your audience (you should do a little research on hashtags related to your niche or sector), in this way you increase the chances that your image appears featured.

6. Get closer to your followers, they want to meet you!

Instagram is a social network, not a commercial one; For this reason, it is essential to publish valuable content with an intention beyond that of generating sales.

Show your followers who you are and who is behind your profile! This is a fact that helps to generate a link between the brand and the end user. Interact with them and discover their tastes, preferences, suggestions, and feelings. Get to know them and let them get to know you. When we lead to interaction, our engagement increases considerably.

Humanizing your brand will help build loyalty among your followers, leading to a later relationship of greater value.

Also, don't just lock yourself in your account and look at the posts of the people you follow, comment on them, and interact with them. This method ensures that they see you 100%, but also if you do it constantly, you will be able to leave a mark on their mind. By using this method, when you post an image or video, you increase the chances that people you've interacted with will return the favor by interacting with you on your posts.

7. Upload specific and quality content

It seems obvious, but rushing can often play tricks on you, leading you to post recycled content from your other social networks. Don't fall into that mistake. It is important to generate specific creativities for Instagram.

On the other hand, we also advise you to identify the publications with the most likes and/or comments to recognize the ones that work best. This way you will discover the taste and interests of your audience, focusing on similar content to achieve greater performance.

And finally, always ask yourself the same question before posting: is what I am going to upload to Instagram valuable content? If the answer is no, think twice if that post is really worth uploading.

8. Create a good description

Although we are in a visual social network, the text or caption of the image plays a great role, do not waste it.

It is the ideal place to be able to captivate and tell a story that reinforces the image or video you publish.

Here you can tell your followers about the sensations that the image transmits to you or be able to reinforce the message of the publication so that the user goes even deeper into your story.

Also, if you are a business account, a good description can help you humanize your posts, as well as make your posts more likely to be shared among your followers, which will help you get more reach on Instagram.

9. Post daily and at the right times, but don't overwhelm your audience!

If you post at times and times with a low percentage of online users, your content will not receive enough interaction and Instagram will understand that you do not generate enough engagement. This will penalize your future posts and create a vicious circle.

On the other hand, if you post when a higher number of users are logged in, then you will have better opportunities to generate engagement. And how can you know if your followers are online? Very easy. Analyze your Instagram statistics.

As you already know, when an Instagram user interacts with content, this activity is visible to their followers.

When it comes to posting pacing, it's good to have pacing and timing for your social media posts, and doing it for Instagram is no less important. But overusing posts can bore or burn out your community, which could lead to unfollows. Publishing daily is not synonymous with uploading content every hour. Post frequently but in the right measure, and always attractive and quality content.

So now you know, neither too much nor too little! You will find the ideal frequency after analyzing the number of posts and the interest they have generated. And, over time, you'll hit the sweet spot that's right for your audience.

There are multiple tools, including Facebook's own Meta Business Suite, that allow you to schedule your posts so that the task of uploading content on the right days and times is much easier and optimal.

10. Make your account from private to public

If you want to grow on Instagram from scratch, one step you have to take is to convert your account from private to public. How do you want people to start following you if they don't know what you have to offer?

In this article, I am talking about how to grow on Instagram fast, and if you have a private account, these tips will be of little use to you if you want to continue maintaining that privacy.

11. Collaborate with influencers

A good way to gain visibility on Instagram is to collaborate with influencers who work on the same or similar topics as yours, otherwise, this advice will fail.

Influencers have a community that is very committed to them, and many of their followers will take what they say very seriously.

Therefore, if you create a good strategy with the influencer and carry it out, it can be very beneficial for both parties.

12. Accompany your text with emoticons

Like it or not, emojis have become a mode of digital language. You can reinforce the message with an emoticon that represents the text you are writing.

They also add a visual touch to the text, but try not to abuse them, or else you will cause the opposite effect.

13. Respond to comments on your posts

The first hour is important for the Instagram algorithm. Depending on the interactions your post has, the algorithm will determine if it is an interesting post for your community or not.

For this reason, it is important that you be as attentive as possible to the comments that your followers leave you in order to respond to them.

It is an important detail to take into account, but don't get obsessed either, and don't stay glued to your mobile.

14. Create a company account and start using Analytics Insights to find out what works (and what doesn't)

Whether you are a personal brand or a business brand, I recommend in both cases creating and optimizing your company profile for the following reasons:

You can know what types of publications have been most successful and which ones your audience likes the most.

You know the hours and days of the week when your community is most active on the social network so you can make your posts and reach a greater number of people.

how-to-grow-on-Instagram-Analytics-InsightsThis allows you to analyze your actions to find turning points and improvements. To find out the formula for success, you will have to measure and optimize!

Knowing the habits of your audience and analyzing your content can help you create posts with greater engagement and interest. You can carry out these analyzes both in the feed and in your Stories. The options are endless!

15. Take care of your profile and biography

Your Instagram account profile is your home. If you have it well taken care of, people will want to enter it. Your Instagram account profile is your home. If you have it well taken care of, people will want to enter it. That is why it is very important to customize the Instagram profile so that it looks attractive. Transmitting a good image is something that the possible follower appreciates from the first moment.

The first thing is to choose a good profile picture, aligned with the rest of your social networks. If you are a company Instagram account, using your logo is an ideal option.

Second, add a well-crafted Instagram biography, where you offer relevant information that shows your potential followers what they are going to find on your account, who you are, what you do, or why they should follow you.

Finally, you can also add a link to your website, blog, or another of your social networks, making it easier for your followers to access.

16. Don't use bots

If you're thinking of using bots to auto-message you on other people's posts, get it out of your head.

It is perfectly clear that they are bots and, instead of looking good and making the other person believe that you are interested in their publication, it is most likely that you will get them to block you so that you do not bother them again.

17. Follow hashtags

On Instagram, apart from being able to follow users, you can also follow hashtags. This way you can interact with people with whom you both have something in common.

It is one more way to make yourself visible to people or brands with whom you share the same tastes, you increase the chances that they will visit your profile and that, perhaps, they will decide to follow your page.

18. Collaborate with other brands

By collaborating with other brands you can reach a community that might also be interested in your content, increasing our brand awareness and visibility.

A very common form of collaboration is contested, but not all collaborations should involve a large cost or involve carrying out actions on your Instagram account. You can collaborate in different ways!

The practice “mention by mention” is a clear example of this. It consists of reaching an agreement with an account that has a theme similar to yours and, through a publication or a story, recommending each other to each other.

19. Do sweepstakes and contests

One contest a year doesn't hurt…not two, not three, not four! On the contrary, you will help create interaction and increase your engagement. In the same way, with this action, you can get new followers and reach a new audience.

It is important that what you raffle is related to the theme that you are promoting in your account.

An example of a very simple and extended draw is:

In order for a person to participate, they must leave a like on the publication, they have to name a number of people and they have to follow your account.

Those people have to share it in their stories so that your brand reaches their community.

You set a draw end date.

And you use some tool to choose the winner randomly.

You don't have to always offer physical products in your giveaways. In cases of offering services, you can offer a free class for a certain time, a free audit, etc.

20. Optimize your username

If you enter a keyword in your account username, you will have a better chance that Instagram will recommend you in its search results.

21. Geolocate your photos

A simple method to gain visibility and help you grow on Instagram in 2022 is to indicate the place where you took the photo.

In this way, for people looking for information about that place, there is the possibility that your image will appear in their search results, increasing the visibility of your brand.

22. Add an “Alt Text” to your Instagram posts

Alt text on Instagram photos is a new feature with multiple functionalities. These attributes are on every website on the internet, and now on Instagram too!

On the one hand, it acts as an “alternative” description for those with visual problems. You will be able to provide a context for them to understand your content, making your creatives (and even yourself) more accessible to many more people in this community.

And it will also help you boost your SEO strategy so that your photos appear in search engines. Then you will ask yourself: does Instagram SEO exist? Yes, that's how it is. In the alternative text of your images you should add good keywords. The ones that people would type into Google to find your photos.

And most importantly, you will reinforce the understanding of your photos through the Instagram algorithm. This image recognition technology helps it "see" what's in your content, so it can show your post to more like-minded people.

And what a bomb! With this small action, you will help the Instagram algorithm to grow your account naturally.

23. Attract traffic from other channels

We all know that there are countless social networks available. Why not take advantage of its potential? Delve into the world of Pinterest, YouTube, Flickr, and Facebook (among many others), and relate your Instagram content to these platforms.

In this way, you will reach and attract a much higher volume of potential traffic. For example, you can advertise your Instagram profile on Facebook through a post with a redirected link.

Finally, we also recommend linking your account to other platforms or websites. For example, to your business or personal website, to your email, in press releases, blog articles, etc.

Instagram is a very easy and intuitive network to use, but at the same time, it has its degree of complexity if we really want to get its full potential. In this article, I have shown you more than 20 tips to grow on Instagram and get a good number of followers that you can start right now.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Dysphemia, better known as stuttering, is a problem that affects many people and causes profound damage to self-esteem.

It is estimated that about 5% of children and 2% of adults stutter. In fact, the onset of stuttering generally occurs between the ages of two and seven.

In some cases, alterations in children's speech resolve spontaneously, but in 20% of cases, they become chronic.

What is Stuttering or Dysphemia

what is dysphemia

Dysphemia is a disorder of fluency and temporal structuring of speech that is not appropriate for the person's age. They are frequent repetitions or prolongations of sounds or syllables, although they can also manifest through other alterations in the fluency of speech, such as pauses within a word, silent or sound blockages, the substitution of certain words for others that are avoided, and the use of interjections. Excessive physical tension is also seen when pronouncing certain words or during the repetition of monosyllables.

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In fact, there are different types of stuttering :

tonic stuttering Speech stops completely because you need to catch your breath. After a few minutes, you blurt out all the words, and then fall silent again.

Clone stuttering. You repeat some syllables when you speak, involuntarily. Although you try to control it, you can't as the words come out explosively.

Tonic-clonic stuttering. It is the most common type of dysphemia, in which the characteristics of the previous ones are combined.

Symptoms of dysphemia

You are likely to stutter if you have any of these symptoms:

You repeat sounds, parts of words, or even whole words as you speak.

You make long pauses between one word and another or sometimes within the same word.

You leave incomplete sentences because you feel frustrated.

You include a lot of interjections while you speak because you anticipate that you will have trouble pronouncing.

Talking causes you tension, discomfort, anguish, and anxiety, especially in front of unknown people.

You avoid speaking in public for fear of stuttering and others forming a negative image of you.

You have tics or involuntary movements of the face that only manifest when you speak.

You feel as if you are short of breath while you speak.

Causes of stuttering

Stuttering is a bio-psycho-social disorder, which means that psychological, biological, and social causes are at its base. It has been seen that different areas are activated in the brain of people with dysphemia compared to people who speak fluently, and it is also known that there are genetic factors so that if one of your parents has suffered from stuttering, you have more likely to develop this problem.

stuttering treatment

However, psychological factors have a great weight in the onset and maintenance of dysphemia. In fact, stuttering does not imply difficulty in pronouncing since these people are able to pronounce all the words fluently when they are alone or when they get used to a situation and their level of anxiety decreases. However, when they meet strangers or are in stressful situations, their fluency decreases, blocking some words.

It is known that when the child who stutters feels socially evaluated, he will begin to suffer from anticipatory anxiety and start avoiding mechanisms to try not to stutter, which will give rise to incorrect speech habits that are often maintained in adulthood and which are more difficult to eradicate

Anxiety, for example, precipitates stuttering in people who already have a genetic predisposition. In addition, it has been appreciated that when the disorder already exists, anxiety-producing situations aggravate it, to the point of causing some people to become so blocked that they practically cannot speak.

Actually, a large part of stuttering depends on the mechanisms that the person activates to avoid becoming blocked. Every time you face a social situation, the ghosts of the past are awakened and you relive the bad experiences, which generates even more anxiety and causes you to fall into a vicious circle. Thus, she develops a hypervigilant attitude that makes her notice the first signs of anxiety, shame, frustration, and anger, making her even more anxious, which generates the block that she tries to avoid.

Of course, there are also social factors that contribute to aggravating the problem. If the child's first episodes of stuttering made him the center of humiliation and teasing from his peers, it is likely that he has begun to feel ashamed of himself. Parental punishments and pressure to speak fluently usually only add fuel to the fire.

Consequences of dysphemia

Stuttering is not the consequence of a psychological disorder, but it can become the basis for the development of emotional problems. A person who has had to fight against this problem all his life without finding a solution can suffer serious damage to his self-esteem since he perceives that he has no degree of control over the situation.

On the other hand, the control of speech is of enormous importance in social relationships, so continuous failures in this sphere usually generate great frustration in the person, as well as feelings of guilt and hostility. In addition, the incorrect emotional management of those feelings will end up causing even more damage to interpersonal relationships. Because of this, people with stutters tend to isolate themselves and are only comfortable in very restricted social settings. In some cases, the avoidance of social situations can reach the point of triggering a social phobia.

Stuttering can also lead to problems at school and work, especially when making public speeches.

Treatment of stuttering with hypnosis

At El Prado Psychologists we focus on you, we work to discover and eliminate both the origin of stuttering and the factors that maintain it. Our treatment focuses on the psychological factors that underlie stuttering, so it is compatible and complementary with the treatment of a speech therapist or speech therapist.

We use different techniques so that you can eliminate the anxiety associated with speaking. Some of them are:

Clinical hypnosis. In dysphemia, there are two mutually reinforcing factors: anticipatory anxiety and incorrect speech habits. Through hypnosis, we can address both problems. With this technique, we send new messages to the unconscious mind and reprogram what is known as emotional triggers. We also use a series of hypnotic suggestions that promote a sense of calm and security. In addition, we offer you reinforcement exercises to do at home with the self-hypnosis that we recorded for you.

EMDR. It is likely that you have some experiences related to dysphemia that mark you and come to mind every time you speak. These experiences are conditioning you negatively and add an extra dose of stress, so it is essential that you leave them behind. Through Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing we access those negative experiences related to stuttering and help your brain to reprocess them so that it no longer activates them or considers them anxiety-producing.

Display. Through visualization we make you feel more comfortable in situations that normally generate stress. By imagining different scenarios, you will be able to control the anxiety that triggers speech blocks, while at the same time regaining your confidence.

relaxation techniques Through techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and the Wintreber method, you will be able to achieve a state of relaxation of the general and vocal muscles, which will allow you to improve the fluency of speech and relief tension.

Breathing techniques. With the diaphragmatic breathing technique, you will not only be able to relieve stress but you will also improve your respiratory capacity and achieve a correct regulation of the phono-respiratory process.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Three keys to recruiting accountant profiles

Present at the 76th Congress of Chartered Accountants, Research, a consulting firm in the recruitment of executives and managers, focused on recruiting the talents who will enter accounting firms in 2022 and 2022.

Three keys to recruiting accountant profiles

1. Promote new and meaningful missions

“Digital has reduced data entry and administrative work time, it allows

more time to be devoted to value-added consulting time which also involves customer relations.

Today, only 60% of the activity is accounting: The tasks have diversified

around payroll, auditing but also legal assistance. So many services ultimately

relieve the accompanied entrepreneur, allowing him to focus on his core business and

which makes the chartered accountant a true ally of the economic recovery. »

2. Putting face-to-face in the office into perspective

“Firms have a strong face-to-face culture which today can be an obstacle to recruiting

certain profiles. The post-crisis period has opened doors. On the one hand, the diversification of missions

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makes it possible to meet customers more often. Chartered accountancy is

therefore an office profession, but not only. On the other hand, teleworking is progressing within one or two days

which is very popular in a profession where rigor and control have so far left little room for

this eventuality. Improving the living environment is also a lever that is

easier for employers to manage than the race for remuneration and just as effective. »

3. Look for candidates outside the big cities

“In the large urban areas where the majority of practices are concentrated, one

out of five employees that we drive out is now retained by the employer who has been able to enhance his

employment environment. To continue to recruit and meet needs, we can now count

on the TGV and attract candidates who live further away or who are ready to settle in

a provincial town. »

Friday, April 29, 2022

How to hire a real and reasonable plumber!

Can't you just call the first plumber you find on the internet? Or in the phone book? What is the worst that could have happened?
First, you risk hiring an unprofessional, unqualified, and unauthorized plumber who will come along and cause additional damage to the situation. The consequences of sloppy and poor workmanship will be more expensive to repair, and that's not the worst of it. If you hire a plumber who is not licensed, chances are good that he or she is also uninsured.
If they cause damage and are injured on your property, you will have to pay for them and could even be sued for liability. Plus, you run the risk of calling scammers posing as plumbers with the intent to rob you, putting you and your family in danger. All of this means that you need to do a proper check and find a professional, trained, competent and reasonable plumber.
We understand that this can be a daunting task because when you search for plumbers near me, the list can be almost endless. For this reason alone, we have published this complete guide that will show you the best way to hire a plumber.
Contents [ hide ]
1 Consider hiring a local plumber
2 Choose between the company and the service technician
3 Choose a plumber who guarantees your safety
4 Use your network
5 Online Research
6 Request licenses, insurance, bonds, and work history
7 How to Hire a Plumber: Every Step You Need to Take

Consider hiring a local plumber

Hiring a reliable and reasonable plumber near you is at the top of the list. Start looking for the best “plumbers near me” on the Internet because you will get a fast response time. The local plumber will offer you the benefits of additional services, preliminary site visits, and convenient dates.
Plus, local plumbers understand local plumbing needs and you'll be supporting the local economy, which is always a good thing. Even a local plumber won't have to travel to work, which is great for the environment. To get a good plumber you may see here


Choose between the company and the service technician

When choosing a plumber, one of the most important questions to consider is whether you want to hire a solo plumber or an established company. The downsides to hiring a plumber alone are that they are likely to be more affordable because they have lower marketing costs and may be more open to negotiation. On the other hand, they will probably need more time to complete your plumbing project and maybe too busy with other projects to come to you in an emergency.
Hiring an established company means having a great team that is always ready for emergencies regardless of holidays, late nights, and even weekends. On the other hand, the costs may be higher and you can't be sure if the person who sent you has enough experience for the type of project you have.

Choose a plumber who guarantees your safety

Since we are still in a troublesome period of a coronavirus pandemic, you need to be especially careful about whom you invite into your home. Our advice is to choose a plumber who will protect himself, yourself, and your loved ones by strictly following the guidelines prescribed by the government.
Choose a plumber who wears the proper personal protective equipment, follows recommended social distancing rules, and uses disinfectants before entering homes. If I can clean my equipment and temperature control screen before they enter your home, even better.

use your network

Even in the age of online reviews, word of mouth and testimonials from people you trust are still one of the most effective ways to hire a plumber. References will help you determine reliability, accuracy, ethics, and reasonableness. Ask those closest to you, such as family, colleagues, friends, and neighbors.
Neighboring plumbing and hardware stores are also gold mines for such information. You can also ask local dealers or builders, as they usually have a network of reliable contractors in the area. Consider searching for local plumbers in your area on social media, where you'll find reviews from previous customers.
Even when you get a recommendation, it's still a bit tricky because you have to put in some professional experience before you can hire them. However, it's much easier if you have a few recommendations to compare with than it is to go through a full search online.

online research

If you can't find any local recommendations, the next best thing is to research online. Start by searching for a "plumber near me" and shortlist at least a dozen companies in the area. Browse your website and check your presence on Google Maps. Then combine the features and benefits that each candidate offers.
Check site reviews, testimonials, and successful projects, and avoid plumbers who have declared themselves the best with too much promotional content.
Look for unbiased customer reviews because social proof is incredibly important. Look for plumbers with websites that show their personality as professional plumbers who expose their teams to real photos and real activities.
In addition, you can also check online directories and websites for evaluation. You must be careful not to hire a plumber from the wrong website. Check trusted websites like Yellow Pages, Bureau for Better Business, TrustPilot, and Yelp.
Limit your search to the top three candidates who are seeking and applying for offers. While money should be a factor, it should not be a deciding factor when you want to hire a plumber. The trick here is not to look for the cheapest or most expensive plumber, but one that offers good value for money.

Request licenses, insurance, bonds, and work history

Ask if they have a work permit in your state and if they have workers' compensation and liability insurance. Ask them if they are connected, have the proper training certificates, and are experienced enough to work on your project. Ask if they offer guarantees for their work, and if they don't, move on to the next option.
In the meantime, rate your customer services based on their responsiveness. How willing are they to answer questions and how friendly are they? Keep in mind that they will enter your home, so you must ensure that you trust them and feel comfortable with them.

How to Hire a Plumber: Every Step You Need to Take

Here it is! Here are the steps you need to take to hire a plumber that suits your needs.
When you have a seemingly small leak, a clogged toilet or a faulty shower, look for a professional plumber who offers you superior services. If they offer you exceptional services, save your contacts in case you need plumbing services in the future.
If you find this post valuable and useful, please take a look at our blog section. We have more informative posts just for you!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Remove tree stump? These are the average costs

When you cut down a tree, you also want to remove the stump. You can hire a professional for that. Here you will find the average costs for this.

The average cost to remove a stump

Do you have a tree in your garden that you would rather get rid of? For example, it may be that less sunlight comes into your garden because of the tree. Or that you want a different layout of your garden and that the tree no longer fits. Or maybe the tree is sick. Then you can cut the tree. It is then useful to immediately remove the tree stump. Then you can use that space for other purposes. If you have a landscape gardener do this, he will take special tools with him and it will take much less time than if you tackle this job yourself. How a professional tackles this job and what the costs are of removing a tree stump, we list for you in this article.

What is the average cost of having a tree stump removed?

It is possible that there is still a stump in your garden from a tree that has already been cut down earlier, for example by previous residents. Then you only have to remove the tree stump. However, it is more likely that there is a tree in your garden that you want to remove, stump and all. That is why we have put the prices for cutting down a tree and removing a stump in the overview below.

Permit required for tree felling

You can't usually just cut down a tree. Not even if that tree is in your own garden. Sometimes it is sufficient to only report it to the municipality, for example, if the tree is dead or ill, or if you are experiencing nuisance from it. If you want to remove the tree because you prefer to use the site for something else, chances are that you will need to apply for an environmental permit for this. Check whether this also applies to you via the Environment Desk or at your municipality. Only removing a tree stump grinding is usually without a permit. There are costs associated with applying for a permit and it often takes some time before everything is arranged. So keep that in mind in your budget and planning.

Cables and pipes in your garden?

Do you want to cut down a tree in your front yard? Then there may be cables and pipes in the ground from the utilities to your home, such as gas, water, electricity, and data. When removing the stump, you want to make sure you don't hit it. Do you want to know if there are cables and pipes near your tree stump? Then you can make a Klic application at the Land Registry. You will then receive a map showing the underground infrastructure. You will then need a Klic application for a house connection. So don't forget to check that box. The costs of a Klic report are €16.50. You can also leave the Klic report to the gardener. He will then pass the costs on to you. Are you going to machine dig? If you have the stump removed with the help of an excavator, the Klic report is even an obligation. The professional can advise you on this.

Tree stump removal: why outsource?

Removing a stump or cutting down a tree is best done by a professional. A landscape gardener knows exactly how best to tackle this job, without causing damage to your home or garden. In addition, the professional has the right tools to remove the tree stump quickly and effectively. You can often also rent these tools, but the costs are not small. The question is also whether you know exactly what to do with those tools.

In addition, a professional has knowledge about how deep to remove the roots of a tree stump. This depends on what you want to do with that place next. Before the professional starts removing the tree, it is smart to indicate this to him. This way you can be sure that he removes the roots far enough and that you will not be hindered by this later on. The guidelines for how deep to remove the roots are as follows:

Laying out a lawn: 20 to 30 centimeters deep

Planting: 30 centimeters deep

Laying garden paving: 30 centimeters deep

Place a fence: 40 to 50 centimeters deep

Planting a new tree: 50 centimeters deep

Cutting down a tree: this is how the craftsman works

If a gardener is going to remove a tree from your garden, he can work in different ways. Which method he chooses depends on the size of your garden, the size of the tree, and the accessibility of your garden for the machines.

Tree felling: three options

The gardener can remove a tree in three ways:

Fall: This is the fastest and cheapest way to cut down a tree. The gardener saws the tree off at the ground in one go. The condition is, of course, that the tree has sufficient space to fall. To determine the direction of fall, the gardener makes a notch. Using an ax or chainsaw, he makes an oblique cut in the tree, to a little further than half the trunk. Then he makes a second cut from below. If the two points touch, the tree can already begin to slope in the chosen direction.

Climbing: If there is not enough space to drop the tree in one go, the gardener cuts the tree into parts. The cheapest method of cutting the tree into sections is with the climbing technique. The gardener climbs the tree and removes parts of the tree piece by piece. It starts at the top with small, thin branches. Then he removes the large branches. And finally, he cuts off a section of the trunk until it is near the ground, or until the tree is low enough to fall. Then he lets the tree fall in the desired direction with the help of a notch.

Aerial platform: If the tree is too sick or for other reasons not safe enough to climb, the gardener uses an aerial platform to cut the tree into parts. This is by far the most expensive method, because, in addition to labor costs, you also pay the rent of the aerial platform.

Removing a tree stump: that's how it works

Once the tree has been felled, the professional can remove the stump. This can often be done by the same professional. It also saves on costs if you have the tree stump removed immediately. For example, you only pay the call-out costs once.

To remove a stump, the gardener often uses a stump grinder. This is the fastest and cheapest way to remove a stump. For an average tree, this takes about an hour of work. With the stump grinder, the professional mills out the stump and the roots. The stump and roots are removed with tremendous force and destroyed. Sometimes a shredder is also attached to the stump grinder. This chipper immediately makes the wood of the tree trunk and the roots small.

If milling is not an option because there is no space for the machine or it is not necessary because it is a smaller tree, the gardener can choose to dig out the stump. This takes more time, even with a small tree, because it is more manual work. That is also reflected in the price. If the craftsman removes the stump by digging it out, he exposes the stump and the roots as much as possible and then saws it off.

Felling a tree: removing wood

The tree has been removed, but what do you do with all the wood? Usually, the gardener offers you several options. For example, you can shred it, if that has not already been done by the stump grinder. The wood chips make a nice garden path or can serve as ground cover around a playground for the children. You can of course also have the wood removed by the gardener. Often there are costs involved. If you want to save money, you can also choose to dispose of the remaining wood yourself. Do you have a fireplace or woodstove? Then of course you also have excellent firewood with that felled tree. You can have it cut into logs by the gardener or you can get started with an ax or saw yourself.

Advice from a professional

Do you want to have your tree stump removed by a professional? Or do you want to cut down the entire tree? Werkspot puts you in touch with experienced and expert gardeners who can carry out this job for you. We already spoke with the gardeners of LAC Dienstverlening be about what you can take into account if you want to have a tree stump removed. Their advice: “Make sure there is enough space to get the machine into the garden. We work with a machine of 70 centimeters or 140 centimeters wide. When the machine is big enough for the work, we are done faster. The consumer notices this in the costs.