Thursday, November 26, 2020

Canon EOS camera errors

The camera in the last three decades has evolved a lot. Going from being a mechanical device to a highly sophisticated one, with a control panel and interior components very similar to a computer.

Like computers, they can sometimes get into internal "conflict" and crash. With a restart, many times the problem is solved, as it happens with computers and we can return to work normally.

In current Canon cameras, a series of codes have been installed that provides a lot of information about the type of error that is affecting the camera. Giving the user at least an idea of ​​what is happening.

On other occasions we have already talked about the most common errors in Canon EOS cameras, today we want to continue listing the most common error codes. And in turn, the possible steps that the user can follow to try to solve the problem on their own.

you may also be interested in How To Repair Canon Camera Lens Error

Error 10 - File Malfunction

This error is indicating an error in the files on the memory card. Either those that are written or those that are being saved. Restart the camera, transfer the files to a computer and try to view them. If the files are damaged you will not be able to save them. Try to format the memory card, if the error persists you will have to contact your technical service.

Error 20: Mechanical Malfunction

Shutter mechanism error, most likely there is some kind of blockage, error, or disturbance that is preventing the correct operation of the shutter mechanism. In this case, we know that it is not an electronic problem.

Error 30: Shutter malfunction

Unlike Error 20, this one points to some kind of problem with the shutter ... But in this case, it could be a mechanical problem or some kind of electronic communication error.

Error 40: Power supply malfunction

This error indicates that there is an internal error getting power. It is probably due to a battery in bad condition, or poorly charged. Try to reinsert the battery and check that it makes good contact.

How to Remove Scratches From Camera Lens

Error 50: electronic control malfunction

This error is indicating to the user that we are facing an electronic error. However, it does not indicate where the error is.

Error 70: Image malfunction

It may be a memory card writing error, or an image capture error. There may be a simple memory card error, or it may be another problem. But first, it is convenient to rule out the first case.

Error 80: Error in electronic control or image malfunction.

It is an electronic error, which may be related to the capture of the image or to another undetermined assumption.

Solution: The quick fix to fix Canon EOS error codes 10/20/30/40/50/70/80 is to turn off the camera, remove the battery from the camera, wait 15-20 seconds, and then reinstall the battery. Turn on the camera again and check.

Error 99: non-specific error code

In cameras prior to 2007, this error generated a lot of misinformation among users. It was a non-specific error. That jumped like the Check Engine light on cars. It simply meant that something was wrong.

Today Error 99 is a general error and can occur due to several different causes.


Turn the camera off, remove and reinstall the battery and turn the camera on.

If the above solution fails, gently wipe the camera lens and electrical contacts (the area highlighted in red) with a clean, dry cloth.

Gently wipe the electrical contacts and the flash with the help of a clean, dry cloth. Never touch directly with your hands.

Error 60 Trip error

An error occurred when shooting, lens movement may be obstructed. Solution: Check that the camera lens is clear and make sure nothing is obstructing it. After this, turn the camera off and on again.

In the event that the error persists, you should contact your technical service


In a future posts, we will talk about more Canon eos camera errors. Remember if you need to ask us a question or want to contact us, you can do so by phone: 965 46 18 62; Through our contact form or directly in our physical store, we will be happy to help you.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


The article was written By Mickael Mosse – Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Expert

The blockchain has become the latest technology that practically everyone talks about: from technical publications to informal conversations in coffee or meetings in the corporate boardroom - it is everywhere.

But if you could stop most people on the street to ask "What exactly is Blockchain? “It is likely that, at most, you got vague references to Bitcoin in response. Now, let's keep the following in mind: Blockchain is touted as the most revolutionary invention since the Internet. Don't you think it's worth learning the basics of what it is and how it works?

Next, we are going to show you a brief section of information about the blockchain and then we will say some instructions on how to become an expert in this technology that is definitely changing the game. Let's go there!

Mickael Mosse Blockchain Advisor

Mickael Mosse
    Mickael Mosse Crypto Advisor


Mickael Mosse points out that, One of the biggest misconceptions about the blockchain is that it is synonymous with " cryptocurrency ." The truth is that blockchain is more of a foundation for crypto, it is the technology that underpins Bitcoin(btw)  and other cryptocurrency transactions (sort of like a digital book), and it has wide implications for a variety of modern business practices.

Perhaps the best way to think about blockchain is as a "general purpose" technology, something like a back-end database. It is useful for more than just monetary transactions, it can also be used to track and support a variety of sensitive data streams, such as identity records or contractual agreements. This technology will inevitably spread to sectors like government, law, energy, and healthcare, plus the obvious: finance and banking.

In the not too distant future, Blockchain will probably be a common element of smart contracts, everyday retail transactions, even the way we vote.

Mickael Mosse points out that, The main benefits of this technology and why it is so exciting, is that it is very transparent (every transaction made through the blockchain is open to the public), practically incorruptible (due to its distributed nature) and extremely versatile (as mentioned, btw cryptography). Transactions are only the surface of what can be done with blockchain technology.

All that said, perhaps the second biggest idea about blockchain is that it will irreversibly affect all industries.

Mickael Mosse points out that, Most people talk about blockchain as if it were a magical technology that can transform any business model it touches. Even though it's a wildly exciting technology, it needs to be understood for what it is - a database structure that has some really useful features that are well suited to a number of industry problems.

In other words, blockchain technology itself is not the end of everything for all social and business issues today. However, it can have a great impact on the solutions to those problems. Therein lies its potential.


According to Mickael MosseBlockchain technology is likely to evolve rapidly this year from being "something exciting" to becoming a concrete tool. So why should this matter?

On the one hand, blockchain development is already the second most popular skill in the job market. The Blockchain will quickly become an integral part of many, and perhaps surprising, business models. No matter what sector you are in, there is a great possibility that the Blockchain will have an impact on the way the organization you work for carries out its day-to-day processes.

Therefore, being one of the first people in your company to truly understand Blockchain technology can provide you with a huge advantage on the corporate scale. More generally, the ability to generate ideas about how an emerging technology of this scale will affect your business is extremely beneficial to your critical thinking skillset and can be applied to other disruptive concepts such as artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, the Deep Learning, the Internet of Things, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc. says Mickael Mosse,

In addition to staying on top of the latest blockchain developments through blogs, newsletters, podcasts, or online courses, investing your time in comprehensive Blockchain-focused training will help you truly master this exciting new platform. The right knowledge will make you the “go-to” person on that topic within your organization.

Don't you know what to study to deepen this knowledge and become an expert in Blockchain? The  Expert in Blockchain and Decentralized Applications" course will provide you with the basis to understand cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology systems, and their operation. Technology, Blockchain, and btw Cryptoeconomics are what you need to launch your career, regardless of the sector or industry in which you move. What are you waiting for? This is the year of Blockchain technology, get ahead. 

Mickael Mosse Bitcoin advisor

And so far our article on how to become an expert in Blockchain. Did you like it? Are you thinking of taking a course or specializing in this new technology? Do not forget to share on the networks so that this information reaches more people and take advantage of the comments to leave us your impressions or provide information of interest about the Blockchain so that we can learn from each other.

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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Differences between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

The article was written By Mickael Mosse – Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Expert

Each cryptocurrency has a protocol, operating rules inherent to its chain of blocks. This protocol determines how the validation of transactions is articulated, the incentives for those who validate them, the expected time for each transaction, the size of the block, the tendency to centralization or decentralization, transparency, security, privacy, etc. . The continuation of the blockchain, that is, the production of successive blocks requires the consensus of the full nodes. A full node stores the entire chain of blocks and only archives the new blocks(generated by miners) that are consistent with the determined protocol specifications of a blockchain.

Mickael Mosse points out that, Not all wallets (the software that allows you to access the blockchain and "store" your cryptocurrencies) need to be full nodes, they can simply guarantee that your transfers are in one block by connecting to multiple nodes that accept the same protocol, without having to store all the blockchain. Currently, the Bitcoin Blockchain weighs about 185GB. In this way, other nodes confirm your transactions. The popular Electrum wallet, like most wallets, use this system called SPV ("simplified payment verification").

The Bitcoin consensus works in such a way that if 51% of the full nodes give something for certain, it is true, that is, if 51% of the blocks accept a protocol, this protocol is considered valid in this chain of blocks.

Mickael Mosse
Mickael Mosse Bitcoin advisor

Soft fork & Hard fork

Mickael Mosse points out that, When there is a protocol update, it should be accepted by the majority of full nodes. A soft fork implies an update of the protocol that the community of nodes accepts and is implemented as the new protocol of that same blockchain. In the case of the soft fork, the nodes that have not implemented the update can continue to use the blockchain but without benefiting from the update, however, the blocks mined from that moment must update their mining software so that their blocks are accepted. For example, SegWit is a soft fork that implements a code enhancement to reduce the weight of transactions in the blocks so that each block can validate more transactions.

A hard fork, on the other hand, generates a new chain of blocks, where the old protocol is not valid. When a hard fork occurs, the chain of blocks branches, in such a way that it gives rise to two chains of blocks, two protocols, and therefore two currencies. This is the case of Bitcoin Cash, a hard fork that occurred on August 1, 2017, by the community that did not agree with SegWit and created this fork that expanded the block size from 1MB to 8MB. It should be noted that when a hard fork occurs you do not lose your coins, they are replicated in the new blockchain, so that with your keys you will have the same units in the new blockchain as in the original one at the time of the fork.

Differences between BTC and BCH

According to Mickael MosseThe fundamental difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is in the size of the block. While Bitcoin currently has a block size of 2 MB, Bitcoin Cash currently has 32 MB after a hard fork on May 15 which increased it from 8 MB. The reason for this difference lies in the scalability of the cryptocurrency, those who operated with Bitcoin (btw) when its price was skyrocketing surely remember the high commissions. These work in such a way that miners include the highest commission transactions first.

As the size of the Bitcoin (btw) block is "capped" at 2 MB (previously 1 MB), only a limited number of transactions have space inside (the average transaction weighs about 255 Bytes). A block is mined every 10 minutes, in fact, the protocol is programmed in such a way that when transactions are carried out in less time the difficulty of mining the block increases, and if it takes longer it decreases, giving the average of 10 minutes per block. The consequence of this is clear, a maximum of about 400,000 transactions per day, which is about 3-5 transactions per second. Visa has the capacity to support 50,000 transactions per second. 

Mickael Mosse Blockchain Advisor

This is where the controversial commissions arise, if you want your transaction to be validated earlier, you must pay a higher commission. Depending on the demand for using the network, the commissions will go up or down, so they have an important correlation with the price. It is in relation to this problem where Bitcoin Cash arises, by increasing the size of the block it allows to carry out more transactions per minute then it means lower commissions. In fact, the increase in the popularity and price of Bitcoin Cash coincides with the increase in the commissions of the Bitcoin (btw)  network, as can be seen below.

As can be seen above, if we look at the months and the price variation, the increase in the price of Bitcoin was accompanied by the increase in commissions which in turn was accompanied by the increase in the price of Bitcoin Cash. Below is the Bitcoin Cash / Bitcoin ratio. These relational movements can be used in a simple, cheap, and even leveraged way through CFDs on platforms such as Admiral Markets.

The BTC vs BCH debate

According to Mickael MosseThe popular debate between these two coins boils down to the debate between immediate scalability (network capacity to support more and more users) (BCH) versus decentralization (BTC). As we have said above, the size of the bitcoin (btw) blockchain is currently about 185 GB, increasing the size of the block or decreasing the average time to mine the block means increasing the speed of increasing the size of the blockchain.

In itself, the size of the chain is not a problem, larger and larger blocks could be implemented to minimize transaction time and thus achieve scalability. The problem lies in who has the capacity to store a chain of blocks that every day increases, for example, 30 GB. Recall that the "voters" of the Bitcoin network are the full nodes that store the entire blockchain. In this sense, the increase in the size of the block is directly an attack on decentralization, which is, after all, the essence of Bitcoin(Remember that it arises as an alternative to fiat money and the monopoly of central banks). Greater decentralization implies a more democratic control of the protocol, as can be seen from what has been said, it also implies a network, in principle, more secure. says Mickael Mosse.

Mickael Mosse Bitcoin advisor

On the other hand, this supposes the inoperability of Bitcoin (btw) as a means of payment at a massive level, since, as we see, there is a tremendous "trade-off" between scalability and decentralization in the short term. However, we must remember that Bitcoin is still in its infancy, it is still an "experiment". In this sense, several decentralized alternatives are being developed for the scalability of Bitcoin, the most famous example is the Lightning Network.

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